Moxie's Last Issue
Ties that Bind,
Bindings that Break

Stories posted online at Family, Friends & Lovers ask what it means to struggle into motherhood, to have a baby with special needs, to etch your outline in your mother's shadow.

Thoughts and feelings concerning Sept 11th

Moxie Hits the Road
Women full of moxie who test their mettle in a variety of situations.

What's your style?  Express who you are.

Explore who you are through these stories and poems.  What's your identity?

Women's Work
Moxie hears daily from women who are working flat out to make a living at what they love. They don't want to be held captive in the cubicles of corporate America. They're after more than money. And yet they know that money--and business--are real. They work hard to bring their ideals and their determination into balance, often at great personal cost.

Here are some of their stories.

Body Eclectic
What real women look like -- women with bodies as different as landscapes, faces as different as fingerprints. Women are doing something other than posing for the camera with their bodies. They are protecting their bodies, befriending their bodies, changing their bodies, reveling in their bodies, healing their bodies, indulging their bodies, expressing who and what they are through their bodies.


Instead of focusing on airbrushed female facsimiles, the sheroes issue features real women who are pursuing real adventures, and providing others with real role models to look up to in the process.

Women and Art
Explore the world of art and what it means to be an artist through a woman's eye.

New Experiences
How new experiences can bring us wisdom.

Breaking Free
Women who are tired of being victims find the courage and strength to speak out about the most painful of memories.

What Kind of Moon Woman Are You?
Dr. Waterstone answers your questions.

For those of you who haven't had a chance to take our Moon Woman quiz be sure to do so! And don't forget to send any questions to Dr. Waterstone.